Marine Lights for sale: From Large Search Lights to Deck lights, Passage Lights we have everything ready to ship.
Marine Lights for sale
All the transportation system needs to have a proper lighting system ( marine lights for sale ) especially those operating during the night too. In ships, the lighting system is important not just for operations but also in other works done inside the sailing vessels.
In this article, we have listed different types of marine lights for sale. We have lightnings that are used on the ship. These lights can also be used for different type of decor in your house and establishments for giving a majestic look.
These searchlights are used in the vessel Ships, Cargo Ship & Military Ships, which are mostly made up of Cast Aluminum, Stainless Steel and very rarely of Brass. If we talk about the visibility of this searchlight, it has the beam visibility of 28 to 35 miles (45 to 56 km) in clear low humidity though when it comes to the range it covers is more than 8,000 meters.
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These extra large searchlights are also suitable for onshore security. This Xenon lamp is stuffed with pure xenon which discharges bow burns under extreme pressure reaching the highest luminous density among all lamps. The working life of the xenon lamps is considered to be very long.
Another specialty of this searchlight is the constant light colour, high portion of blue colour which creates nearly daylight spectrum. It reaches full luminous intensity after 45 seconds and immediate re-ignition without cooling period. The light can be angled directly wherever you want as it rotates on its stand.
The large searchlights are usually fitted on the top deck, which are widely used in Passenger ships, Oil Tankers, Cruise ships and Cruise ferry. The light is made up of Iron, Stainless steel, Aluminum and Brass. This large searchlight is considered ideal for ship navigation in the ice with a separate power supply unit. This light has a Halogen metal halide lamps due to which it stand out as an extraordinary light colour and optimal yield of light based on valuable metal additions in the discharge of gas.
Talking about the range and quality, it has a constant light colour, high portion of blue colour which creates nearly daylight spectrum. The average life of lamps is up to 750 hours which spreads up to 4,000 meters. This marine lights for sale journey does not end here.
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The medium searchlights are fitted on top of Decks or near the Edge of the lower deck. This light is installed on the top of the deck in the small ships for getting clear vision ahead and avoids Iceberg. While in the Bigger Ships it is fitted near the edge of the lower deck to see the nearby distance from the ship and also on edge of the upper deck for onboard security.
In the light Halogen, incandescent lamps are spotlights of temperature which emit up to 20 per cent of the electric power absorbed by a Wolfram light wire as light. It is also suitable for onshore security. The average life of this lamp is between 75 hours and 400 hours and its range up to 1,700 meters.
Then comes the deck lights which are installed to make the deck safer. This light provides a soft glow that illuminates the deck for easier way finding. They can be installed into the railing, stair risers or the deck itself. These lighting solutions work in harmony with each other so that a ship can be seen from many different angles, and can be recognized by other vessels in the vicinity.
In the older ships, deck lights are made up of either Brass, Aluminum, Copper, Steel and sometimes by combining these metals. These metals are used for making deck lights as they do not get rusty faster.
Nowadays, these Lights are also substituted by fiber and Iron, to prevent iron from getting rusty, a special chemical is applied to it and put a thick layer of colours. These lights are Water-resistant.
The passage lights are also an important part in a ship as it helps the crew walk easily on the narrow areas. These lights are fitted in a narrow walkway to make the path safer to walk, passage lights provide a soft glow in the passages for easier way finding. These passage lights are either fitted on top of the ceiling or on the side walls, which are made up of cast metals like Brass, Copper, Gunmetal, Iron or Aluminum. The glass covering these passage lights are threaded glass waterproof containment. The glass is original wobbly rough blown. Flame proof cast aluminum tube light.
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These tube lights are usually used in LNG or LPG carriers which are were designed to allow efficient lighting and chemical container ships where explosion proof lighting is the most essential thing.
This light was built first in 1970s, which are extremely heavy duty weighing around 15 kg each. It is also used in normal ship’s engine rooms, cargo decks, kitchen and similar areas where there is a higher risk of fire. This tube light fitting has a vapour containment system and ballast for the fluorescent tubes. This light comes in between 240V to 120V. With such a wide of range of lightings used in different kind of ships, the marine treasury has a wide range of collection of these lights which are reclaimed for the ships. These lightings can also be used in decor too.